Bundle of 2 artworks

Two prints together is a perfect match for you decoration. It is possible to combine any of these artworks from the collection The Contact

High quality print based on original painting on canvas made with acrylic colours.

Available in 2 sizes: 30×40 cm and 40×50 cm with frame or without.

Printed on ECO Shiro paper 300 gr.



You can combine two or more favourite prints based on original paintings that are part of the collection The Contact. This collection was exposed for the first time in Barcelona at 2020. Pictures are full of power and feelings, moreover with an important meaning of colours, for example: brown as earth that is mostly present in whole collection. Above all blue as transparency and calm. Orange as confidence. Pink as sensitivity and green as nature and hope.

The collection wants to stand out the importance of human contact using representation of differents positions of our hands, as they are able to transmit our thoughts, feelings, love and energy.

Style: acrylic on canvas inspired by the conceptual art and continuous, simple lines.




Additional information

Weight 0,2 kg
Dimensions N/A
Print size

2 prints 30×40 cm


Without frame


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